August 16, 2015



Today’s youth are yearning for help.  They are looking for people to help them learn how to make the right choices in their lives. What does it take to be able to make the right choices in your life?  It takes analytical thinking, deductive reasoning, and patience.  Many children are not receiving those key principals in their homes today. Chess is one of the most challenging games in the world.  It is a game that requires critical thinking, deductive reasoning, and patience. These crucial requirements are also needed in everyday life.  The Cornel West Academy of Excellence will form the Sankofa Chess Club to use chess to help the young men learn the following:

-Improve Self-Esteem
-Enhance creativity
-Develop problem-solving skills
-Build Patience, persistence, and healthy work habits
-Inspire constructive risk taking that emphasizes importance of learning from mistakes
-Develop analytical and strategic thinking by highlighting cause and effect relationships
-Teach young men to take responsibility for their actions

The group will prepare to participate in youth chess tournaments statewide and locally.
The club is currently in the process of registering with the US Chess Federation ( and the North Carolina Chess Association (